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Q. 1   There are ___ levels of heading in HTML
  • Correct Answer: D. Six

Q. 2   The following html tag is used to display the content as a moving text
  • Correct Answer:

Q. 3   html comment should be enclosed between
  • Correct Answer: A. <!-- and -->

Q. 4   _____ tag is used before beginning of the paragraph text
  • Correct Answer: C. <p>

Q. 5   Example of picture editing software is
  • Correct Answer: B. photoshop

Q. 6   html document have a extension ______
  • Correct Answer: B. .htm or .html

Q. 7   The _____ element can be used to identify your html file to the outside world
  • Correct Answer: D. html

Q. 8   Which of the following is true
  • Correct Answer: C. Unordered list starts with <UL> and ends with </UL>

Q. 9   Which of the following is true?
  • Correct Answer: A. BR tag is used to have a blank line

Q. 10   to get the ordered list we use
  • Correct Answer: C. <OL>

Q. 11   HTML is the method where ordinary text can be converted into
  • Correct Answer: D. None of the above

Q. 12   WWW stands for
  • Correct Answer: C. world wide web

Q. 13   The CSS property used to control the element’s font-size is__________
  • Correct Answer: D. None

Q. 14   The HTML attribute used to define the internal stylesheet is___________
  • Correct Answer: B. <style>

Q. 15   Which of the following CSS property is used to set the background image of an element?
  • Correct Answer: C. background-image

Q. 16   Which of the following is the correct syntax to display the hyperlinks without any underline?
  • Correct Answer: C. a {text-decoration : none;}

Q. 17   Which of the following is the correct syntax to make the background-color of all paragraph elements to yellow?
  • Correct Answer: C. p {background-color : yellow;}

Q. 18   Which of the following property is used as the shorthand property for the padding properties?
  • Correct Answer: C. padding

Q. 19   The CSS property used to make the text bold is___________
  • Correct Answer: B. font-weight : bold

Q. 20   The property in CSS used to change the background color of an element is_____________
  • Correct Answer: A. background-color

Q. 21   Which of the following is the correct syntax for referring the external style sheet?
  • Correct Answer: D. <link rel=“stylesheet” type=“text/css” href=“example.css”>

Q. 22   The HTML attribute used to define the inline styles is___________
  • Correct Answer: C. style

Q. 23   The CSS property used to draw a line around the elements outside the border?
  • Correct Answer: D. outline

Q. 24   Which of the following CSS property is used to specify the space between every letter inside an element?
  • Correct Answer: C. letter-spacing

Q. 25   The CSS property used to make the rounded borders, or rounded corners around an element is________
  • Correct Answer: A. border-radius

Q. 26   The CSS property used to specify the transparency of an element is____________
  • Correct Answer: D. opacity

Q. 27   Which of the following property is used as the shorthand property of margin properties?
  • Correct Answer: C. margin

Q. 28   The CSS property used to set the distance between the borders of the adjacent cells in the table is__________
  • Correct Answer: B. border-spacing

Q. 29   Are the negative values allowed in padding property?
  • Correct Answer: A. No

Q. 30   What are the valid values of font-style property?
  • Correct Answer: D. inherit, italic, normal, oblique

Q. 31   Which CSS property is used to specify uppercase and lowercase letters in a text?
  • Correct Answer: A. text-transform

Q. 32   In how many ways can CSS be added to HTML?
  • Correct Answer: C. Three

Q. 33   Which selector do we use to specify the rule for binding some particular unique element?
  • Correct Answer: D. id

Q. 34   Internal styles are written within the _____ element.
  • Correct Answer: A. <style>…</style>

Q. 35   HTML is what type of language ?
  • Correct Answer: B. Markup Language

Q. 36   Which HTML tag produces the biggest heading?
  • Correct Answer: D. <h1>

Q. 37   Which is correct?
  • Correct Answer: C. <b>Click Here</b>

Q. 38   To create a link to an anchor, you use the______property in A tag.
  • Correct Answer: D. Href

Q. 39   The page title is inside the____tag.
  • Correct Answer: B. Head

Q. 40   <UL>...</UL> tag is used to ________
  • Correct Answer: C. display the bulleted list

Q. 41   <TD>...</TD> tag is used to ________
  • Correct Answer:

Q. 42   Which tag is used to create body text in HTML?
  • Correct Answer: D. <BODY>

Q. 43   Which plugin is used to cycle through elements, like a slideshow?
  • Correct Answer: D. carousel

Q. 44   Which plugin is used to create a modal window?
  • Correct Answer: A. modal

Q. 45   Which plugin is used to create a tooltip?
  • Correct Answer: B. tooltip

Q. 46   Bootstrap’s grid system allows up to
  • Correct Answer: B. 12 columns across the page

Q. 47   Which class should be used to indicate a button group?
  • Correct Answer: B. btn-group

Q. 48   Which of the following bootstrap styles of buttons can be used to make the size of the button small?
  • Correct Answer: B. .btn-sm

Q. 49   How many Container class are there in Bootstrap?
  • Correct Answer: B. Two

Q. 50   The _________ class is used to right-align navigation bar buttons.
  • Correct Answer: C. .navbar-right

Q. 51   Which class is used to add buttons inside the navigation bar?
  • Correct Answer: B. .navbar-btn

Q. 52   Bootstrap is developed by
  • Correct Answer: C. Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton

Q. 53   Which of the following bootstrap style is used to add standard links to .navbar?
  • Correct Answer: A. navbar-link

Q. 54   How do you insert a comment in a CSS file?
  • Correct Answer: B. /* this is a comment */

Q. 55   How do you change the left margin of an element?
  • Correct Answer: C. margin-left:

Q. 56   Interpret this statement: <strong>Michelle</strong>
  • Correct Answer: C. It will print out Michelle in bold font

Q. 57   What is the tag for an inline frame?
  • Correct Answer: A. Iframe

Q. 58   Which of the following class in bootstrap is used to create a big box for calling extra attention?
  • Correct Answer: D. .jumbotron

Q. 59   Which of the following class in Bootstrap is used to create a basic list group?
  • Correct Answer: C. .list-group

Q. 60   Which of the following class in Bootstrap is used to create basic pagination?
  • Correct Answer: D. .pagination

Q. 61   Which of the following class in Bootstrap is used to create a badge?
  • Correct Answer: B. .badge

Q. 62   The class in Bootstrap which is used to specify the collapsible elements is -
  • Correct Answer: A. .collapse

Q. 63   Which of the following class in Bootstrap is used for creating the large size modals?
  • Correct Answer: D. .modal-lg

Q. 64   Which of the following is correct method to add a success button?
  • Correct Answer: A. <button class = "btn btn-success"> success </button>

Q. 65   Which of the following class in Bootstrap is used to create a label?
  • Correct Answer: A. .label

Q. 66   Which of the following is correct about the Bootstrap Grid system?
  • Correct Answer: C. Both (a) and (b)

Q. 67   Which of the following class in Bootstrap is used to style a table with borders surrounding every element?
  • Correct Answer: B. .table-bordered

Q. 68   Which of the following class in Bootstrap is used to style a table with a light gray background to rows when the user moves the cursor over them?
  • Correct Answer: D. .table-hover

Q. 69   In the below code snippet, in what order will the margins be added ? p { margin: 25px 50px 75px 100px; }
  • Correct Answer: A. Top, Right, Bottom, Left,

Q. 70   Which of the following class in Bootstrap is used to provide a responsive fixed width container ?
  • Correct Answer: C. .container

Q. 71   How can we select an element with a specific ID in CSS ?
  • Correct Answer: A. #

Q. 72   What type of CSS is generally recommended for designing large web pages ?
  • Correct Answer: C. External

Q. 73   What type of CSS is the following code snippet ? <h1 style = "color:blue;" >A Blue Heading </h1>
  • Correct Answer: A. Inline

Q. 74   How many columns are allowed in a bootstrap grid system ?
  • Correct Answer: B. 12 columns

Q. 75   Which HTML tag is used to declare internal CSS ?
  • Correct Answer: A. <style>

Q. 76   What are the attributes used to change the size of an image ?
  • Correct Answer: A. Width and height

Q. 77   We enclose HTML tags within ?
  • Correct Answer: A. < >

Q. 78   Which of the following tags doesn't require a closing tag ?
  • Correct Answer: C. Both the <hr> and the <br> tag

Q. 79   Which property is used to define the font of the element's text?
  • Correct Answer: B. font-family

Q. 80   Which is the correct inline CSS for p tag to define paragrap's text and background colors?
  • Correct Answer: D. <p style="color: red; background-color: yellow;">

Q. 81   What does the abbreviation HTML stand for?
  • Correct Answer: A. Hyper Text Markup Language.

Q. 82   What is the smallest header in HTML by default?
  • Correct Answer: D. h6

Q. 83   What are the types of lists available in HTML?
  • Correct Answer: A. Ordered, Unordered Lists.

Q. 84   HTML files are saved by default with the extension?
  • Correct Answer: A. .html

Q. 85   We enclose HTML tags within?
  • Correct Answer: B. <>

Q. 86   What is the effect of the tag?
  • Correct Answer: A. It converts the text within it to bold font.

Q. 87   Which of the following is correct about HTML?
  • Correct Answer: B. HTML uses tags defined within the language.

Q. 88   How to display preformatted text in HTML?
  • Correct Answer: C. <pre>

Q. 89   What is meant by an empty tag in HTML?
  • Correct Answer: B. An empty tag does not require a closing tag

Q. 90   Which attribute is used to provide a unique name to an HTML element?
  • Correct Answer: A. id

Q. 91   What is the function of the HTML style attribute?
  • Correct Answer: A. It is used to add styles to an HTML element.

Q. 92   Which of the following is the correct syntax for using the HTML style attribute?
  • Correct Answer: A. <tagname style "property: value;" >

Q. 93   Which HTML element is used to define description data?
  • Correct Answer: D. <dd>

Q. 94   Which of the following properties is used to change the font of text?
  • Correct Answer: A. font-family

Q. 95   How are quotations defined in HTML?
  • Correct Answer: C. <blockquote >

Q. 96   What tag is used to render an image on a webpage?
  • Correct Answer: A. img

Q. 97   Apart from <i> tag, which of the following tag is used to render a text in italics?
  • Correct Answer: B. <em>

Q. 98   Colors are defined in HTML using?
  • Correct Answer: D. All of the above

Q. 99   Which property is used to set colors in HTML?
  • Correct Answer: A. color

Q. 100   What are the types of unordered lists in HTML?
  • Correct Answer: A. Circle, square, disc.

Q. 101   Which property is used to set border colors in HTML?
  • Correct Answer: B. border

Q. 102   Which of the following things are necessary to create an HTML page?
  • Correct Answer: C. Both A and B

Q. 103   Which HTML tag is called the root element of an HTML document?
  • Correct Answer: A. <html>

Q. 104   How is black color represented in terms of RGB values?
  • Correct Answer: A. RGB(O, O, 0)

Q. 105   What does the Alpha value in RGBA represent?
  • Correct Answer: A. Opacity value for a color.

Q. 106   What does the Alpha value of 0.0 represent?
  • Correct Answer: B. Fully Transparent.

Q. 107   How to set a font for a whole page?
  • Correct Answer: B. <defaultfont>

Q. 108   Before using a pointer variable, it should be ___.
  • Correct Answer: C. Both A. and B.

Q. 109   Which HTML tag is used to set up a Javascript–like client?
  • Correct Answer: A. <script>

Q. 110   What are the main components of the front end of any working website?
  • Correct Answer: A. HTML, CSS, Javascript.

Q. 111   What is the select tag used for?
  • Correct Answer: A. Creates a combo box.

Q. 112   The most basic part of any HTML page is?
  • Correct Answer: A. ASCII Text

Q. 113   What are those objects called which are used for storing data on the client provided by the HTML local storage?
  • Correct Answer: C. Both A and B

Q. 114   The default value of the BORDER attribute is?
  • Correct Answer: A. 1 pixel

Q. 115   What are some valid character sets available?
  • Correct Answer: D. All of the above

Q. 116   How many characters can be written in I KB?
  • Correct Answer: B. 1024

Q. 117   Which of the following are examples of block–level elements in HTML?
  • Correct Answer: D. All of the above

Q. 118   What are the properties of block-level elements?
  • Correct Answer: D. All of the above.

Q. 119   If a background image is smaller than the screen on which it is being displayed, what will occur on the webpage?
  • Correct Answer: B. The image will be repeated

Q. 120   Which property allows an image link to show a text label?
  • Correct Answer: A. alt

Q. 121   What is CSS stands for in Webdesign?
  • Correct Answer: A. Cascading Style Sheets

Q. 122   What CSS describes?
  • Correct Answer: B. CSS describes how HTML elements are to be displayed on screen, paper, or in other media

Q. 123   What is a CSS selector?
  • Correct Answer: D. A CSS selector is the first part of a CSS Rule. It may an HTML element or pattern of elements.

Q. 124   In a CSS file, there is a CSS rule for paragraphs tags — what does p can be called?
  • Correct Answer: A. Selector

Q. 125   Internal styles are written within the element.
  • Correct Answer: A. <style>...</style>

Q. 126   Inline styles are written within the attribute.
  • Correct Answer: A. style

Q. 127   CSS comments are placed within the
  • Correct Answer: B. /* and */

Q. 128   Can comments also span multiple lines?
  • Correct Answer: A. Yes

Q. 129   Which property is used to define the text color?
  • Correct Answer: B. color

Q. 130   Which property is used to define the background color?
  • Correct Answer: D. Both A. and C.

Q. 131   From the given options which is/are the valid way to represent a color?
  • Correct Answer: D. All of the above

Q. 132   Which property is used to define the font of the element is text?
  • Correct Answer: B. font-family

Q. 133   To make a text italic, which CSS property is used?
  • Correct Answer: C. font-style

Q. 134   Why font-weight property is used?
  • Correct Answer: A. Sets how thick or thin characters in text should be displayed.

Q. 135   What is/are the correct value(s) of font-weight property?
  • Correct Answer: C. normal, bold, bolder, lighter, initial, and inherit

Q. 136   What is the correct syntax of border property in CSS?
  • Correct Answer: A. border: border-width border-style border-color

Q. 137   Which of the following is the correct syntax to remove the underline on hyperlinks and visited hyperlinks?
  • Correct Answer: C. a {text-decoration : none;}, a:visited {text-decoration : none;}

Q. 138   Which CSS property is used to style the hyperlinks on hover (Mouse over)?
  • Correct Answer: D. a:hover

Q. 139   If you want to use a green dotted border around an image, which CSS property is used for that?
  • Correct Answer: D. Both A. and B.

Q. 140   Which CSS property and value is used to center an element?
  • Correct Answer: A. text-align:center

Q. 141   What are the valid values of text-align property?
  • Correct Answer: C. left, center, right, justify

Q. 142   What is the use of "text-align:justify" in CSS?
  • Correct Answer: A. Stretches the lines so that each line has equal width

Q. 143   Which CSS property is used to specify the indentation of the first line of a text?
  • Correct Answer: C. text-indent

Q. 144   Which CSS property is used to specify the space between the characters in a text?
  • Correct Answer: C. letter-spacing

Q. 145   Which CSS property is used to specify the space between lines?
  • Correct Answer: D. line-height

Q. 146   Which CSS property is used to specify the space between the words in a text?
  • Correct Answer: A. word-spacing

Q. 147   Which CSS property adds shadow to text?
  • Correct Answer: B. text-shadow

Q. 148   Which is the correct CSS statement to capitalize the first letter of each word?
  • Correct Answer: B. text-transform: capitalize

Q. 149   What are the valid values of text-transform property?
  • Correct Answer: A. uppercase, lowercase, and capitalize

Q. 150   What are the valid values of "text-decoration" property?
  • Correct Answer: A. overline, line-through, underline, and none

Q. 151   Which CSS property specifies how to align the last line of a text?
  • Correct Answer: D. text-align-last

Q. 152   Which CSS property sets the vertical alignment of an element?
  • Correct Answer: A. vertical-align

Q. 153   Which CSS property specifies the type of list item marker?
  • Correct Answer: B. list-style-type

Q. 154   Which is the correct CSS statement is used to remove the markers/bullets?
  • Correct Answer: D. list-style-type: none;

Q. 155   Which CSS property specifies an image as the list item marker?
  • Correct Answer: A. list-style-image

Q. 156   Which CSS property specifies if/how an element is displayed?
  • Correct Answer: C. display

Q. 157   HTML elements are positioned by default.
  • Correct Answer: A. static

Q. 158   What are the valid values for "position" property?
  • Correct Answer: D. static, relative, fixed, absolute, and sticky

Q. 159   Which CSS property specifies the opacity/transparency of an element?
  • Correct Answer: B. opacity

Q. 160   Which CSS function performs a calculation to be used as the property value?
  • Correct Answer: C. calc()

Q. 161   Which CSS function uses the largest value?
  • Correct Answer: D. max()

Q. 162   Which CSS function uses the smallest value?
  • Correct Answer: D. min()

Q. 163   What is CSS?
  • Correct Answer: D. All of the above

Q. 164   The <style> in Internal CSS refers to
  • Correct Answer: B. HTML tags

Q. 165   Can we link multiple stylesheets to a single page?
  • Correct Answer: A. Yes

Q. 166   The CSS property used to change text sizes?
  • Correct Answer: B. font-size

Q. 167   In this line of code, identify the selector
p {border: 2px solid blue;}
  • Correct Answer: A. p

Q. 168   How many color names does CSS supports?
  • Correct Answer: A. 140 names

Q. 169   The property is used in the positioning of the background image.
  • Correct Answer: B. background-position

Q. 170   what means 4 times the size of the current font.
  • Correct Answer: D. 4em

Q. 171   Amongst the following browsers, which browser supports almost all the CSS properties?
  • Correct Answer: C. Google Chrome

Q. 172   What is the CSS Entity for the character "#"?
  • Correct Answer: A. 0023

Q. 173   This selector selects all the elements where the parent is a
  • Correct Answer: B. h > p

Q. 174   Which selector selects the markers of list items?
  • Correct Answer: A. ::marker

Q. 175   Which is the most widely used font in customizing web pages?
  • Correct Answer: C. Arial

Q. 176   Which of the following CSS properties are animatable?
  • Correct Answer: B. animation

Q. 177   We can give space between unit and value when assigning length values to CSS properties.
  • Correct Answer: B. False

Q. 178   Which of these units of length is supported by Chrome Version 1.0?
  • Correct Answer: C. px

Q. 179   Which line of code is a must to write to apply CSS Flexbox properties?
  • Correct Answer: A. display: flex;

Q. 180   The default value of justify-content property is
  • Correct Answer: A. flex-start

Q. 181   Which is the correct syntax for adding animation?
  • Correct Answer: B. animation: name duration timing-function

Q. 182   Which line of code specifies playing an animation with the same speed from beginning to the end?
  • Correct Answer: A. div {animation- timing function: linear;)

Q. 183   Which line of code represents a universal selector?
  • Correct Answer: A. *{border: 2px solid red;}

Q. 184   Which of the following properties specify the width of the borders?
  • Correct Answer: D. Both A and C

Q. 185   Is border-image property animatable?
  • Correct Answer: B. No

Q. 186   Which cursor property value indicates that the program is busy?
  • Correct Answer: D. wait

Q. 187   What does this line of code explain? p {display: flex;}
  • Correct Answer: D. All the elements are displayed as an inline flex container

Q. 188   The text-align property defines the alignment of text in an element.
  • Correct Answer: A. horizontal

Q. 189   Does the z-index property accept negative values?
  • Correct Answer: A. Yes

Q. 190   Which CSS property is not supported by the Firefox browser?
  • Correct Answer: D. viewport

Q. 191   Which one is a fallback font?
  • Correct Answer: C. Serif

Q. 192   Where do we store external stylesheets?
  • Correct Answer: A. CSS files

Q. 193   In the given line of code, identify the type of selector used. #Main {background-color: yellow;}
  • Correct Answer: B. CSS id selector

Q. 194   The Hex Code for the white color is
  • Correct Answer: A. #FFFFFF

Q. 195   In CSS, what does HSL stands for?
  • Correct Answer: C. hue, saturation, lightness

Q. 196   Among the following CSS properties, which property is not a shorthand property?
  • Correct Answer: C. display

Q. 197   In this line of code, what is the use of the alt attribute? it is red
  • Correct Answer: D. Both A. and B.

Q. 198   The CSS border property specifies the style, color, and of an element border.
  • Correct Answer: B. width

Q. 199   What does "padding: 50px 20px;" specifies?
  • Correct Answer: D. Both A. and B.

Q. 200   What is the default size for normal text, like paragraphs?
  • Correct Answer: D. 16 px

Q. 201   Which of the following CSS selectors are used to specify a group of elements?
  • Correct Answer: C. class

Q. 202   Which of the following has introduced text, list, box, margin, border, color, and background properties?
  • Correct Answer: C. css

Q. 203   Which of the following CSS framework is used to create a responsive design?
  • Correct Answer: D. bootstrap

Q. 204   Which of the following CSS property is used to make the text bold?
  • Correct Answer: B. font-weight: bold

Q. 205   What will be the output of following CSS code snippet?
hl {color: "greenn ; }
  • Correct Answer: A. nothings happen

Q. 206   Which of the following CSS style property is used to specify an italic text?
  • Correct Answer: C. font-style

Q. 207   What will be the output of following CSS code snippet?

h1 {color: red text-decoration: underline; font-style: italic;}
  • Correct Answer: B. only font-style: italic works

Q. 208   Which of the following are the CSS Extension Prefixes for Webkit?
  • Correct Answer: D. -webkit

Q. 209   Which of the following function defines a linear gradient as a CSS image?
  • Correct Answer: A. linear-gradient()

Q. 210   Which of the following is the correct way to apply CSS Styles?
  • Correct Answer: D. All of the above.

Q. 211   Which of the following CSS property sets the font size of text?
  • Correct Answer: A. font-size

Q. 212   Which of the following is not the property of the CSS box model?
  • Correct Answer: B. color

Q. 213   What will be the output of the following CSS code snippet?

span { border: 1px solid red; outline: green dotted thick; }
  • Correct Answer: C. All span elements will have a outer green dotted border and an inner red border

Q. 214   Which of the following CSS property sets the shadow for a box element?
  • Correct Answer: B. box-shadow

Q. 215   Which of the following CSS property is used to set the color of the text?
  • Correct Answer: D. color

Q. 216   Which of the following CSS Property controls how an element is positioned?
  • Correct Answer: B. position

Q. 217   Which of the following CSS property is used to specify table borders in CSS?
  • Correct Answer: C. border

Q. 218   Which CSS Property Sets A Background Image For An Element?
  • Correct Answer: B. Background - Image

Q. 219   What Should Be The Table Width, so That The Width Of A Table Adjust To The Current Width Of The Browser Window?
  • Correct Answer: B. 100%

Q. 220   When We Write <img src="img.png"> What "img.png" Inside Double Quote Implies?
  • Correct Answer: A. Value

Q. 221   The Default Value Of "position" Attribute Is
  • Correct Answer: D. Static

Q. 222   Who invented css?
  • Correct Answer: A. Hakon Wium Lie

Q. 223   CSS is written in which language?
  • Correct Answer: B. HTML

Q. 224   What is the latest version of css?
  • Correct Answer: C. css 3

Q. 225   how will you make all paragraph elements red in color?
  • Correct Answer: A. p {color: red;}

Q. 226   HTML document start and end with which tag pairs?
  • Correct Answer: C. <HTML> ... </HTML>

Q. 227   <TITLE> ... tag must be within _______
  • Correct Answer: C. Header

Q. 228   Text within ... <STRONG> tag is displayed as _____
  • Correct Answer: A. bold

Q. 229   Which tag is used to display the numbered list?
  • Correct Answer: A. <OL > ... </OL >

Q. 230   <SCRIPT> tag can be placed within____
  • Correct Answer: D. both A and B

Q. 231   using <P>tag will
  • Correct Answer: A. start a new paragraph

Q. 232   <TD > tag is used for ________
  • Correct Answer: B. Table Records and table data

Q. 233   Which HTML Tag will use to scroll a text in web page?
  • Correct Answer: A. < marquee> ... </marquee >

Q. 234   WWW stands for ______.
  • Correct Answer: C. World Wide Web

Q. 235   A homepage is __________.
  • Correct Answer: D. the first page of a website

Q. 236   ____is a document commonly written in Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) that is accessible through the Internet or other network using an internet browser.
  • Correct Answer: B. Web page

Q. 237   A web page is located using a _____.
  • Correct Answer: B. Uniform Resource Locator

Q. 238   A piece of icon or image on a web page associated with another webpage is called____________.
  • Correct Answer: B. hyperlink

Q. 239   ________ is a collection of web pages.
  • Correct Answer: D. Web site

Q. 240   What is the correct HTML tag for inserting a line break?
  • Correct Answer: A. < br>

Q. 241   Webpage starts with which of the following tag?
  • Correct Answer: A. <html >

Q. 242   JPG sometimes called ________.
  • Correct Answer: A. JPEG

Q. 243   A webpage displays a picture. What tag was used to display that picture?
  • Correct Answer: C. img

Q. 244   < b>tag makes the enclosed text bold. What is other tag to make text bold?
  • Correct Answer: A. <strong >

Q. 245   Tags and text that are not directly displayed on the page are written in _ section.
  • Correct Answer: A. <head>

Q. 246   Which tag inserts a line horizontally on your web page?
  • Correct Answer: A. <hr>

Q. 247   What should be the first tag in any HTML document?
  • Correct Answer: A. <html>

Q. 248   Which tag allows you to add a row in a table?
  • Correct Answer: A. <tr> and </tr>

Q. 249   How can you make an e-mail link?
  • Correct Answer: C. <a href="mailto:xxx@yyy">

Q. 250   Choose the correct HTML tag to make a text italic
  • Correct Answer: A. <i>

Q. 251   To create a combo box (drop down box) which tag will you use?
  • Correct Answer: A. <select>

Q. 252   Which of the following is not a pair tag?
  • Correct Answer: D. <img>

Q. 253   To create HTML document you require.
  • Correct Answer: C. Just a notepad can be used

Q. 254   The special formatting codes in HTML document used to present content are
  • Correct Answer: A. tags

Q. 255   HTML documents are saved in
  • Correct Answer: C. ASCII text

Q. 256   Some tags enclose the text. Those tags are known as
  • Correct Answer: D. Pair tags

Q. 257   In HTML document the tags
  • Correct Answer: D. can be written in both uppercase or lowercase

Q. 258   Marquee is a tag in HTML to
  • Correct Answer: C. Display text with scrolling effect

Q. 259   To create a blank line in your web page
  • Correct Answer: C. insert < BR > tag

Q. 260   The way the browser displays the object can be modified by _____
  • Correct Answer: A. attributes

Q. 261   Which of the following HTML code is valid?
  • Correct Answer: D. None of the above.

Q. 262   Which of the following is an attribute related to font tag?
  • Correct Answer: D. All of the above

Q. 263   HTML supports
  • Correct Answer: D. both type of lists

Q. 264   What tag is used to list individual items of an ordered list?
  • Correct Answer: A. LI

Q. 265   Which attribute is used withimg tag to display the text if image could not load in browser?
  • Correct Answer: C. alt

Q. 266   Which attribute you’ll use with TD tag to merge two cells horizontally?
  • Correct Answer: C. colspan=2

Q. 267   Which of the following is correct about Bootstrap?
  • Correct Answer: D. All of the above.

Q. 268   Which of the following is correct about Bootstrap?
  • Correct Answer: D. All of the above

Q. 269   Which of the following is a part of Mobile First Strategy of Bootstrap?
  • Correct Answer: D. All of the above.

Q. 270   Which of the following is correct about Bootstrap Grid System?
  • Correct Answer:

Q. 271   Which of the following is correct about Bootstrap Grid System?
  • Correct Answer: D. All of the above.

Q. 272   Which of the following is correct about Bootstrap Media Query?
  • Correct Answer: A. It simply applies some CSS, based on certain conditions set forth. If those conditions are met, the style is applied.

Q. 273   Which of the following is correct about Bootstrap Media Query?
  • Correct Answer: C. Both of the above.

Q. 274   Which of the following is correct about Bootstrap Mobile First Strategy?
  • Correct Answer: D. All of the above.

Q. 275   Which of the following class styles a table as a nice basic table with just some light padding and horizontal dividers?
  • Correct Answer:

Q. 276   Which of the following class styles a table as a nice basic table with stripes on rows?
  • Correct Answer: B. .table-striped

Q. 277   Which of the following class styles a table with borders surrounding every element and rounded corners around the entire table?
  • Correct Answer: C. .table-bordered

Q. 278   Which of the following class styles a table with a light gray background to rows while the cursor hovers over them?
  • Correct Answer: C. .table-hover

Q. 279   Which of the following class applies the hover color to a particular row or cell of a table?
  • Correct Answer: A. .active

Q. 280   Which of the following class indicates a successful or positive action?
  • Correct Answer: C. .success

Q. 281   Which of the following class indicates a warning that might need attention?
  • Correct Answer: D. .warning

Q. 282   Which of the following class indicates a dangerous or potentially negative action?
  • Correct Answer: D. .danger

Q. 283   Which of the following class can be used to create a responsive table?
  • Correct Answer: A. .table-responsive

Q. 284   Which of the following class is required to be added to form tag to make it inline?
  • Correct Answer: B. .form-inline

Q. 285   Which of the following class is required to be added to form tag to make it horizontal?
  • Correct Answer: B. .form-horizontal

Q. 286   Which of the following bootstrap style of button creates a default/ standard button?
  • Correct Answer: A. .btn

Q. 287   Which of the following bootstrap style of button provides extra visual weight and identifies the primary action in a set of buttons?
  • Correct Answer: D. .btn-primary

Q. 288   Which class adds zebra-stripes to a table?
  • Correct Answer: D. .table-striped

Q. 289   Which class shapes an image to a circle?
  • Correct Answer: C. .rounded-circle

Q. 290   Which class is used to create a big box for calling extra attention?
  • Correct Answer: B. .jumbotron

Q. 291   Which button class is used to create a large button?
  • Correct Answer: A. .btn-lg

Q. 292   Which class is used to create a button group?
  • Correct Answer: A. .btn-group

Q. 293   Which class is used to create a badge?
  • Correct Answer: D. .badge

Q. 294   Which class is used to create a loader?
  • Correct Answer: C. .spinner-border

Q. 295   Which class is used to create a basic pagination?
  • Correct Answer: C. .pagination

Q. 296   Which class is used to create a basic list group?
  • Correct Answer: B. .list-group

Q. 297   Which class adds a heading to a card?
  • Correct Answer: D. .card-header

Q. 298   Which class indicates a dropdown menu?
  • Correct Answer: B. .dropdown

Q. 299   A standard navigation bar is created with:
  • Correct Answer: D. < nav class= "navbar navbar-expand-md " >

Q. 300   Which component is used to cycle through elements, like a slideshow?
  • Correct Answer: C. Carousel

Q. 301   Which attribute is used to create a tooltip?
  • Correct Answer: D. data-toggle="tooltip"

Q. 302   Which contextual class indicates a succesful or positive action?
  • Correct Answer: B. .bg-success

Q. 303   Which contextual class indicates a dangerous or potentially negative action?
  • Correct Answer: B. .bg-danger

Q. 304   The Bootstrap grid system has four classes which defines screen size:
  • Correct Answer: B. xs, sm, md, lg

Q. 305   Which class is use to display black navigation bar?
  • Correct Answer: B. .navbar-inverse

Q. 306   Which class is used to add rounded corners to an image?
  • Correct Answer: B. .rounded

Q. 307   Which of the following is true about Jumbotron?
  • Correct Answer: C. Both of the above

Q. 308   The bootstrap class md means for
  • Correct Answer: C. small laptops

Q. 309   Which class is used to create warning notification alerts in Bootstrap?
  • Correct Answer: B. .alert-warning

Q. 310   Which class is used to create a button as a link in bootstrap?
  • Correct Answer: B. .btn-link

Q. 311   Which of the following class is used to create thumbnail image?
  • Correct Answer: D. .img-thumbnail

Q. 312   .img-circle class makes the entire image round by adding border-radius:_________.
  • Correct Answer: A. 50%

Q. 313   The contextual classes that are used to create colored progress bar:
  • Correct Answer: D. All of the above

Q. 314   The .container class provides
  • Correct Answer: B. Fixed width container

Q. 315   Which class creates pagination?
  • Correct Answer: A. pagination

Q. 316   Default size of H3 bootstrap heading
  • Correct Answer: D. 24px

Q. 317   Which class creates list of items?
  • Correct Answer: B. list-group

Q. 318   Default size of H2 bootstrap heading
  • Correct Answer: C. 30px

Q. 319   Which is default for a form
  • Correct Answer: B. Vertical Form

Q. 320   Default size of H1 bootstrap heading
  • Correct Answer: D. 36px

Q. 321   Default size of H6 bootstrap heading
  • Correct Answer: B. 12px

Q. 322   The bootstrap class xs means for
  • Correct Answer: A. phones

Q. 323   Bootstrap’s global default font-size is
  • Correct Answer: D. 14px

Q. 324   The Carousel plugin is a component
  • Correct Answer: C. For cycling through elements like slideshow

Q. 325   In Bootstrap we can addfor
  • Correct Answer: A. Proper Rendering and Zooming in mobile

Q. 326   What is latest version of bootstrap?
  • Correct Answer: D. version 5

Q. 327   Bootstrap is used for
  • Correct Answer: D. Web applications

Q. 328   Which class is used to create a badge danger?
  • Correct Answer: D. .badge-danger

Q. 329   Which class is used to create a pagination?
  • Correct Answer: A. .pagination

Q. 330   We use the ___ class to make any element fixed/stay at the top of the page when you scroll past it.
  • Correct Answer: C. .sticky-top

Q. 331   The ___ class adds a scrollbar to the table when needed
  • Correct Answer: D. .table-responsive

Q. 332   In list groups, which class is used to highlight the current item?
  • Correct Answer: A. .active

Q. 333   Which class to create border in bootstrap?
  • Correct Answer: B. .border

Q. 334   In Bootstrap, content must be placed within...
  • Correct Answer: A. Columns

Q. 335   If you want to have 3 equal columns in Bootstrap, which class would you use?
  • Correct Answer: A. .col-md-4

Q. 336   Is it true that the Bootstrap grid system works across multiple devices?
  • Correct Answer: A. yes

Q. 337   Which of the following is correct method to add a success button.
  • Correct Answer: A. .btn and .btn-success

Q. 338   Which of the following class in Bootstrap is used to create an striped progress bar?
  • Correct Answer: A. .progress-bar-striped

Q. 339   Which of the following class in Bootstrap is used for creating the small size modals?
  • Correct Answer: A. .modal-sm

Q. 340   How do you add shadow to elements in CSS3?
  • Correct Answer: A. box-shadow: 10px 10px 5px grey;

Q. 341   How can you created rounded corners using CSS3?
  • Correct Answer: C. border-radius: 30px;

Q. 342   How to rotate objects using CSS3?
  • Correct Answer: C. rotate-object: 30deg;

Q. 343   How to re-size/scale objects using CSS3?
  • Correct Answer: A. transform: scale(1.5);

Q. 344   __________ is a property that allows developers to add rounded corners on the design elements.
  • Correct Answer: D. Border-Radius

Q. 345   Which of the following is correct method to add a warning button.
  • Correct Answer: C. .btn and .btn-warning

Q. 346   Which of the following class in Bootstrap is used to create an progress bar?
  • Correct Answer: B. .progress-bar

Q. 347   If you want to have 4 equal columns in Bootstrap, which class would you use?
  • Correct Answer: D. .col-md-3

Q. 348   If you want to have 2 equal columns in Bootstrap, which class would you use?
  • Correct Answer: B. .col-md-6

Q. 349   If you want to have 6 equal columns in Bootstrap, which class would you use?
  • Correct Answer: A. .col-md-2

Q. 350   Which class is use to fading effect to alert in bootstrap?
  • Correct Answer: D. Both A. and B.

Q. 351   Which class is use to add slider caption in bootstrap?
  • Correct Answer: A. .carousel-caption

Q. 352   Where in an HTML document is the correct place to refer to an internal style sheet?
  • Correct Answer: A. In the <head> section

Q. 353   Which HTML attribute is used to define inline styles?
  • Correct Answer: B. style

Q. 354   Which is the correct CSS syntax?
  • Correct Answer: D. body {color: black;}

Q. 355   How do you add a background color for all elements?
  • Correct Answer: B. hl {background-color:#FFFFFF;}

Q. 356   Which CSS property is used to change the text color of an element?
  • Correct Answer: C. color

Q. 357   Which CSS property controls the text size?
  • Correct Answer: A. font-size

Q. 358   How do you display hyperlinks without an underline?
  • Correct Answer: B. a {text-decoration:none;}

Q. 359   How do you display a margin like this:
The margin-top = 10 pixels The margin-bottom = 5 pixels The margin-left = 20 pixels The margin-right = 1pixel?
  • Correct Answer: C. margin: 10px 1px 5px 20px;

Q. 360   Which property is used to change the left margin of an element?
  • Correct Answer: B. margin-left

Q. 361   When using the padding property; are you allowed to use negative values?
  • Correct Answer: B. No

Q. 362   How do you make a list type none?
  • Correct Answer: A. list-style-type: none;

Q. 363   How do you select an element with id demo?
  • Correct Answer: B. #demo

Q. 364   How do you select elements with class name test?
  • Correct Answer: D. .test

Q. 365   What is the default value of the position property?
  • Correct Answer: B. static

Q. 366   Which of the following property specifies the right margin of an element?
  • Correct Answer: A. margin-right

Q. 367   How do you display the following padding:
The top padding = 10 pixels The bottom padding = 5 pixels The left padding = 20 pixels The right padding = 1pixel
  • Correct Answer: D. padding: 10px 1px 5px 20px;

Q. 368   What property and value do we use if we want to align text to the right?
  • Correct Answer: A. text-align: right;

Q. 369   What property and value do we use if we want to align text to the justify?
  • Correct Answer: D. text-align: justify;

Q. 370   Which class adds a text white to a page?
  • Correct Answer: C. Both A and B

Q. 371   Which class helps a proper dark background in bootstrap?
  • Correct Answer: A. .bg-dark

Q. 372   which class make a spinner in bootstrap?
  • Correct Answer: C. .spinner-border

Q. 373   What does "padding: 50px 0px 20px 0px" specifies?
  • Correct Answer: A. only top and bottom

Q. 374   Which of the following CSS selectors are used to specify tag elements?
  • Correct Answer: B. p

Q. 375   Which of the following is the property of the CSS box model?
  • Correct Answer: D. height-width

Q. 376   Which of the following attribute specifies the URL of the linked resource?
  • Correct Answer: D. href

Q. 377   Which of the following property adds padding to the top of an element?
  • Correct Answer: C. padding-top

Q. 378   Which of the following property sets a consistent margin on all four sides of the affected element?
  • Correct Answer: B. margin

Q. 379   Which of the following property sets the background image to scroll or not to scroll with its associated element’s content?
  • Correct Answer: C. background-attachment


Q. 381   What is WordPress?
  • Correct Answer: A. A content management system (CMS)

Q. 382   Which of the following programming languages is primarily used in WordPress development?
  • Correct Answer: A. PHP

Q. 383   Which type of data can be stored in WordPress as media?
  • Correct Answer: D. All Of These

Q. 384   What is the purpose of a WordPress theme?
  • Correct Answer: B. To customize the design and layout of a website

Q. 385   When was WordPress released?
  • Correct Answer: A. May 2003

Q. 386   Which of the following is NOT a type of WordPress Hosting?
  • Correct Answer: D. Browser Hosting

Q. 387   Which of these is a feature of WordPress?
  • Correct Answer: D. All Of These

Q. 388   What is the function of WordPress plugins?
  • Correct Answer: B. To add additional features and functionality to a WordPress website

Q. 389   Which of these is an advantage of WordPress?
  • Correct Answer: B. SEO Tools Make On-Site SEO Easier

Q. 390   What is the main database system used by WordPress?
  • Correct Answer: A. MySQL

Q. 391   Which of these is a free WordPress domain name provided to WordPress.com users?
  • Correct Answer: C. yousite.WordPress.com

Q. 392   Which of the following is true about WordPress.com?
  • Correct Answer: B. It offers free hosting for WordPress websites

Q. 393   What is the purpose of the WordPress dashboard?
  • Correct Answer: B. To manage website settings, content, and design

Q. 394   Which of these fields is not required to be filled while first installing the WordPress?
  • Correct Answer: C. Post

Q. 395   What does SEO stand for in the context of WordPress?
  • Correct Answer: C. Search Engine Optimization

Q. 396   The Quick draft section in WordPress is used for ___.
  • Correct Answer: A. Creating mini-posts with titles and small details

Q. 397   Which of the following is a popular WordPress page builder plugin?
  • Correct Answer: C. Elementor

Q. 398   What is the default permalink structure in WordPress?
  • Correct Answer: C. Post name

Q. 399   Which file is primarily responsible for controlling the overall layout and design of a WordPress theme?
  • Correct Answer: C. header.php

Q. 400   Which of these is displayed using the WordPress news widget?
  • Correct Answer: D. All of these

Q. 401   Which of these is not seen on the WordPress dashboard?
  • Correct Answer: A. Site traffic

Q. 402   Which of these are general settings of WordPress?
  • Correct Answer: D. All of these

Q. 403   What is the purpose of the WordPress loop?
  • Correct Answer: B. To display blog posts and other content on a WordPress site

Q. 404   What is the default post Category for WordPress?
  • Correct Answer: B. Uncategorized

Q. 405   Which of the following is true about WordPress Multisite?
  • Correct Answer: B. It enables you to manage multiple WordPress websites from a single installation.

Q. 406   What content of post can be displayed in the feed?
  • Correct Answer: C. Optional both A and B

Q. 407   What is the name of the programming interface that allows developers to interact with WordPress core functionality?
  • Correct Answer: D. Codex

Q. 408   What task does search engine visibility performs in WordPress?
  • Correct Answer: A. Removes site visibility on google

Q. 409   Which of the following is a popular e-commerce plugin for WordPress?
  • Correct Answer: D. WooCommerce

Q. 410   What is the purpose of a WordPress child theme?
  • Correct Answer: B. To customize the parent theme without losing changes during updates

Q. 411   What is the default username for the administrator account in a new WordPress installation?
  • Correct Answer: A. admin

Q. 412   Which file contains the core configuration settings for a WordPress site?
  • Correct Answer: B. wp-config.php

Q. 413   Which of the following is NOT a default content type in WordPress?
  • Correct Answer: C. Product

Q. 414   What is the purpose of the WordPress Theme Customizer?
  • Correct Answer: B. To customize the appearance of a WordPress theme in real-time

Q. 415   Which of the following is a popular WordPress caching plugin?
  • Correct Answer: B. WP Super Cache

Q. 416   What does the term "shortcode" refer to in WordPress?
  • Correct Answer: A. A small piece of code that allows users to embed files or create objects

Q. 417   What is the purpose of the WordPress .htaccess file?
  • Correct Answer: C. To configure server settings and URL redirects

Q. 418   Which of the following is NOT a WordPress user role by default?
  • Correct Answer: C. Moderator

Q. 419   What is the name of the default WordPress theme that is installed with every new WordPress installation?
  • Correct Answer: C. Twenty Twenty

Q. 420   Which of the following is true about WordPress Gutenberg?
  • Correct Answer: D. It is the default WordPress block editor introduced in WordPress 5.0

Q. 421   What is the purpose of the WordPress REST API?
  • Correct Answer: C. To allow developers to interact with WordPress using HTTP requests

Q. 422   What is the maximum upload file size limit in WordPress by default?
  • Correct Answer: A. 2MB

Q. 423   Which of the following is NOT a component of the WordPress database?
  • Correct Answer: B. Themes

Q. 424   What is the purpose of the WordPress "wp_enqueue_script()" function?
  • Correct Answer: C. To load scripts or stylesheets into WordPress in a safe and efficient manner

Q. 425   Which of the following is a popular WordPress security plugin?
  • Correct Answer: B. Wordfence Security

Q. 426   What is the purpose of the WordPress admin toolbar?
  • Correct Answer: B. To provide quick access to common administrative tasks when logged in

Q. 427   Which of the following is NOT a feature of WordPress.com Business plan?
  • Correct Answer: C. Access to the WordPress REST API

Q. 428   What is the purpose of the WordPress "functions.php" file?
  • Correct Answer: C. To add custom functionality and features to a WordPress theme

Q. 429   Which of the following is true about WordPress tags?
  • Correct Answer: B. They are similar to categories but are not hierarchical

Q. 430   What is the purpose of WordPress cron jobs?
  • Correct Answer: C. To automate routine tasks and schedule events within WordPress

Q. 431   What is the purpose of the WordPress "wp_head()" function?
  • Correct Answer: C. To insert metadata and other elements into the head section of a WordPress theme

Q. 432   What are avatars in WordPress?
  • Correct Answer: A. A small image that is displayed beside the name of the user

Q. 433   What is the purpose of the WordPress "functions.php" file?
  • Correct Answer: C. To add custom functionality and features to a WordPress theme

Q. 434   Which of the following is true about WordPress tags?
  • Correct Answer: B. They are similar to categories but are not hierarchical

Q. 435   What is the purpose of WordPress cron jobs?
  • Correct Answer: C. To automate routine tasks and schedule events within WordPress

Q. 436   Which of the following is NOT a common method to secure a WordPress website?
  • Correct Answer: C. Using weak passwords

Q. 437   What is the purpose of the WordPress "wp_footer()" function?
  • Correct Answer: C. To execute custom JavaScript code in the footer of a WordPress site

Q. 438   Which of the following is NOT a type of WordPress permalink structure?
  • Correct Answer: C. Random

Q. 439   What is the purpose of WordPress categories?
  • Correct Answer: A. To group related posts together based on content

Q. 440   What is the purpose of the WordPress "wp_query()" function?
  • Correct Answer: B. To retrieve posts or pages from the WordPress database based on specified criteria

Q. 441   Which of the following is NOT a default WordPress dashboard widget?
  • Correct Answer: C. Popular Posts

Q. 442   Which of the following is NOT a common WordPress database table?
  • Correct Answer: C. wp_themes

Q. 443   What is the purpose of WordPress hooks?
  • Correct Answer: C. To extend or modify the functionality of WordPress without modifying core files

Q. 444   Which of the following is true about the WordPress White Screen of Death (WSOD)?
  • Correct Answer: B. It is caused by a plugin or theme conflict

Q. 445   Which of the following is NOT a recommended method to speed up a WordPress website?
  • Correct Answer: C. Using a heavy theme with lots of animations

Q. 446   What is the purpose of the WordPress "add_shortcode()" function?
  • Correct Answer: C. To define custom shortcodes for embedding files or creating objects

Q. 447   What is the purpose of WordPress taxonomies?
  • Correct Answer: A. To group related posts together based on content

Q. 448   What is the purpose of WordPress widgets?
  • Correct Answer: D. To provide an easy way to add content and features to widgetized areas of a theme

Q. 449   What is the purpose of the WordPress "add_action()" function?
  • Correct Answer: D. To hook a function or method to a specific action in WordPress

Q. 450   What is the primary function of the "Customizer" in WordPress?
  • Correct Answer: C. To allow users to customize the appearance of their site with live previews

Q. 451   Which of the following can be used to create custom post types in WordPress?
  • Correct Answer: A. functions.php file

Q. 452   What does "WP-CLI" stand for?
  • Correct Answer: B. WordPress Command Line Interface

Q. 453   Which of the following files is required in every WordPress theme?
  • Correct Answer: A. index.php

Q. 454   How can you enable debug mode in WordPress?
  • Correct Answer: A. By modifying the wp-config.php file and setting WP_DEBUG to true

Q. 455   Which of the following is NOT a default widget in WordPress?
  • Correct Answer: C. Popular Posts

Q. 456   What is the purpose of the "wp_nav_menu()" function?
  • Correct Answer: A. To display a custom navigation menu in a WordPress theme

Q. 457   Which WordPress template file is used to display the homepage by default?
  • Correct Answer: C. index.php

Q. 458   What is a WordPress "child theme"?
  • Correct Answer: B. A theme that inherits functionality and styling from another theme

Q. 459   What is the role of the "functions.php" file in a WordPress theme?
  • Correct Answer: C. To add theme-specific PHP code and extend functionality

Q. 460   How do you change the site title and tagline in WordPress?
  • Correct Answer: B. By going to Settings > General in the WordPress dashboard

Q. 461   Which of the following plugins is commonly used for SEO optimization in WordPress?
  • Correct Answer: A. Yoast SEO

Q. 462   What does the "wpautop" function do in WordPress?
  • Correct Answer: B. It converts newlines into paragraph tags in post content

Q. 463   How can you reset a WordPress password if you lose access to the admin dashboard?
  • Correct Answer: B. By using the "Lost your password?" link on the login page

Q. 464   Which of the following is true about WordPress taxonomies?
  • Correct Answer: B. They are a way to group posts and custom post types together

Q. 465   How can you create a custom menu in WordPress?
  • Correct Answer: B. By going to Appearance > Menus in the WordPress dashboard

Q. 466   What does the "wp_enqueue_script()" function do in WordPress?
  • Correct Answer: A. It loads custom JavaScript files in a safe manner

Q. 467   What is the purpose of the "wp_mail()" function in WordPress?
  • Correct Answer: A. To send emails from a WordPress site

Q. 468   What is the purpose of the "wp_safe_redirect()" function in WordPress?
  • Correct Answer: A. To safely redirect users to a new URL

Q. 469   What is the purpose of the "is_page()" function in WordPress?
  • Correct Answer: C. To check if the current post is a page

Q. 470   Which WordPress function is used to display custom fields for a post?
  • Correct Answer: A. get_post_meta()

Q. 471   What is the default table prefix in a WordPress database?
  • Correct Answer: A. wp_

Q. 472   Which of the following functions is used to add a meta box to the WordPress post editing screen?
  • Correct Answer: A. add_meta_box()

Q. 473   Which of the following is the correct way to register a new sidebar in WordPress?
  • Correct Answer: A. register_sidebar()

Q. 474   What does the "the_excerpt()" function do in WordPress?
  • Correct Answer: A. It displays a short summary of a post

Q. 475   Which WordPress type can be installed on a user's computer?
  • Correct Answer: B. WordPress.org

Q. 476   Which of the following is NOT a method to install a WordPress plugin?
  • Correct Answer: D. Editing the theme's code

Q. 477   What is the recommended method for updating WordPress plugins?
  • Correct Answer: D. Using the WordPress dashboard's built-in update functionality

Q. 478   Which of the following is a correct way to enqueue a stylesheet in WordPress?
  • Correct Answer: A. wp_enqueue_style('theme-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/style.css');

Q. 479   What is the purpose of the "readme.html" file in a WordPress installation?
  • Correct Answer: A. To provide documentation and information about the WordPress installation

Q. 480   Which of the following functions is used to retrieve the URL of a WordPress site's stylesheet directory?
  • Correct Answer: C. get_stylesheet_directory_uri()