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Q. 1   Which database is commonly used with Node.js applications?
  • Correct Answer: D. All of the above

Q. 2   How do you create a new Express application?
  • Correct Answer: A. express()

Q. 3   What is the role of RESTful APIs in backend development?
  • Correct Answer: B. To handle client-server communication

Q. 4   Which of the following is used to declare a block-scoped variable in ES6?
  • Correct Answer: B. let

Q. 5   What is a primary responsibility of a backend Node.js developer?
  • Correct Answer: B. Managing server-side logic

Q. 6   Which of the following commands is used to install Express.js?
  • Correct Answer: A. npm install express

Q. 7   Which of the following is important for a backend Node.js developer to understand?
  • Correct Answer: A. Database management

Q. 8   Which of the following is true about arrow functions in ES6?
  • Correct Answer: D. Both a and c

Q. 9   Which of the following is used to define a route in Express?
  • Correct Answer: D. All of the above

Q. 10   Which tool is used for version control in Node.js development?
  • Correct Answer: A. Git

Q. 11   What is the importance of middleware in Express.js applications?
  • Correct Answer: B. To execute code during the request-response cycle

Q. 12   How do you create a template literal in ES6?
  • Correct Answer: C. Using backticks

Q. 13   Which method is used to start an Express server?
  • Correct Answer: B. app.listen()

Q. 14   Which of the following is a key skill for a backend Node.js developer?
  • Correct Answer: A. Proficiency in JavaScript

Q. 15   What is the purpose of using environment variables in Node.js applications?
  • Correct Answer: A. To manage configuration settings

Q. 16   What is the default port used by an Express application if no port is specified?
  • Correct Answer: A. port 3000

Q. 17   Which of the following is a testing framework for Node.js?
  • Correct Answer: D. All of the above

Q. 18   How do you serve static files in Express?
  • Correct Answer: D. Both a and b

Q. 19   Which feature of ES6 allows you to copy properties from one or more source objects to a target object?
  • Correct Answer: D. Both a and b

Q. 20   Which middleware is used to parse JSON bodies in Express?
  • Correct Answer: B. express.json()

Q. 21   What is the use of the dotenv package in Node.js?
  • Correct Answer: A. To manage environment variables

Q. 22   Which of the following is true about default parameters in ES6?
  • Correct Answer: B. They are assigned if no argument is passed or if undefined is passed.

Q. 23   Which of the following is a task runner commonly used in Node.js development?
  • Correct Answer: D. All of the above

Q. 24   Which method is used to handle 404 errors in Express?
  • Correct Answer: A. app.use((req, res, next) => { res.status(404).send(’Not Found’); });

Q. 25   How do you secure a Node.js application?
  • Correct Answer: D. All of the above

Q. 26   What is the output of const x = () => ({ y: 1 }); console.log(x());?
  • Correct Answer: C. { y: 1 }

Q. 27   How do you define a route parameter in Express?
  • Correct Answer: A. app.get(’/:id’, (req, res) => { res.send(req.params.id); });

Q. 28   What is the purpose of the helmet middleware in Express.js?
  • Correct Answer: A. To secure HTTP headers

Q. 29   Which of the following allows iteration over the properties of an object?
  • Correct Answer: B. for...in

Q. 30   Which of the following can be used for API documentation in Node.js?
  • Correct Answer: D. All of the above

Q. 31   Which method is used to handle POST requests in Express?
  • Correct Answer: B. app.post()

Q. 32   What is the importance of unit testing in Node.js development?
  • Correct Answer: A. To ensure code quality and functionality

Q. 33   What does the following code output? const foo = ’bar’; console.log(${foo} === ’bar’);
  • Correct Answer: A. true

Q. 34   How do you redirect a request in Express?
  • Correct Answer: A. res.redirect()

Q. 35   Which of the following is used to handle authentication in Node.js?
  • Correct Answer: D. All of the above

Q. 36   Which of the following correctly destructures an object in ES6?
  • Correct Answer: A. const { a, b } = { a: 1, b: 2 };

Q. 37   Which of the following middleware can be used to parse cookies in Express?
  • Correct Answer: A. cookie-parser

Q. 38   What is the purpose of the pm2 package in Node.js?
  • Correct Answer: A. To manage and monitor Node.js applications

Q. 39   How do you set a response header in Express?
  • Correct Answer: D. res.set()

Q. 40   How do you connect to a MongoDB database in a Node.js application?
  • Correct Answer: D. Both a and b

Q. 41   Which ES6 feature allows you to include expressions in strings?
  • Correct Answer: A. Template literals

Q. 42   Which of the following is a logging library for Node.js?
  • Correct Answer: D. All of the above

Q. 43   What is middleware in Express?
  • Correct Answer: A. Functions that handle requests and responses.

Q. 44   What will be the output of console.log([..."hello"]); in ES6?
  • Correct Answer: A. ["h", "e", "l", "l", "o"]

Q. 45   What is the purpose of the cors middleware in Express.js?
  • Correct Answer: A. To enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing

Q. 46   How do you handle errors in Express?
  • Correct Answer: A. app.use((err, req, res, next) => { res.status(500).send(’Server Error’); });

Q. 47   How can you export a variable in ES6?
  • Correct Answer: C. export default myVar;

Q. 48   Which of the following is true about the next function in Express middleware?
  • Correct Answer: D. Both a and b

Q. 49   What is the use of the find method in ES6?
  • Correct Answer: A. To find the first element in an array that satisfies a given condition.

Q. 50   How do you handle JSON Web Tokens (JWT) in Express?
  • Correct Answer: D. All of the above

Q. 51   Which of the following correctly uses the rest parameter?
  • Correct Answer: A. function sum(...args) { return args.reduce((acc, val) => acc + val, 0); }

Q. 52   How do you set up a session in Express?
  • Correct Answer: A. Using the express-session middleware.

Q. 53   Which of the following methods is used to merge arrays in ES6?
  • Correct Answer: D. Both a and b

Q. 54   Which of the following can be used to handle file uploads in Express?
  • Correct Answer: D. Both a and c

Q. 55   Which of the following keywords is used to define a constant variable in ES6?
  • Correct Answer: B. const

Q. 56   What is the use of the res.json method in Express?
  • Correct Answer: A. To send a JSON response.

Q. 57   Which command is used to start the MongoDB server?
  • Correct Answer: A. mongod

Q. 58   Which method is used to remove whitespace from both ends of a string in ES6?
  • Correct Answer: A. String.prototype.trim

Q. 59   What is the default port number for MongoDB?
  • Correct Answer: A. 27017 number

Q. 60   Which ES6 feature allows you to copy an array without referencing the original array?
  • Correct Answer: B. Spread operator

Q. 61   Which ES6 feature allows defining a property with the same name as the variable?
  • Correct Answer: A. Property Shorthand

Q. 62   Which of the following is true about Node.js?
  • Correct Answer: B. It is built on the V8 JavaScript engine.

Q. 63   Which data format is used to store data in MongoDB?
  • Correct Answer: B. BSON

Q. 64   How do you create a new database in MongoDB?
  • Correct Answer: A. use databaseName

Q. 65   Which module in Node.js is used for handling file system operations?
  • Correct Answer: A. fs

Q. 66   Which of the following is a core module in Node.js?
  • Correct Answer: C. http

Q. 67   How do you insert a document into a collection in MongoDB?
  • Correct Answer: A. db.collection.insertOne(document)

Q. 68   How do you create a server in Node.js using the http module?
  • Correct Answer: A. http.createServer()

Q. 69   Which of the following methods is used to find documents in a MongoDB collection?
  • Correct Answer: A. db.collection.find()

Q. 70   What does the fs.readFile method do in Node.js?
  • Correct Answer: A. Reads the content of a file asynchronously.

Q. 71   How do you update a document in MongoDB?
  • Correct Answer: A. db.collection.updateOne(query, update)

Q. 72   How do you install a package using npm?
  • Correct Answer: B. npm install

Q. 73   Which of the following is used to delete a document in MongoDB?
  • Correct Answer: A. db.collection.deleteOne(query)

Q. 74   What is the command to initialize a new Node.js project?
  • Correct Answer: A. npm init

Q. 75   What is the use of the ObjectId in MongoDB?
  • Correct Answer: A. To uniquely identify documents.

Q. 76   Which statement is used to import a module in Node.js?
  • Correct Answer: A. require

Q. 77   Which method is used to count the number of documents in a MongoDB collection?
  • Correct Answer: A. db.collection.countDocuments()

Q. 78   What is the default file name for the main module in a Node.js project?
  • Correct Answer: B. index.js

Q. 79   How do you create an index in MongoDB?
  • Correct Answer: A. db.collection.createIndex(keys, options)

Q. 80   How can you handle exceptions in Node.js?
  • Correct Answer: D. All of the above

Q. 81   Which of the following is used to create a child process in Node.js?
  • Correct Answer: D. All of the above

Q. 82   Which of the following methods is used to aggregate data in MongoDB?
  • Correct Answer: A. db.collection.aggregate(pipeline)

Q. 83   What is the purpose of the package.json file in a Node.js project?
  • Correct Answer: D. All of the above

Q. 84   What is the default storage engine for MongoDB?
  • Correct Answer: A. WiredTiger

Q. 85   What is the role of the EventEmitter class in Node.js?
  • Correct Answer: C. To facilitate asynchronous event-driven programming.

Q. 86   Which of the following is true about MongoDB?
  • Correct Answer: D. All of the above

Q. 87   How do you create a replica set in MongoDB?
  • Correct Answer: A. rs.initiate()

Q. 88   How can you serve static files in Node.js?
  • Correct Answer: A. Using the express.static middleware.

Q. 89   Which command is used to backup a MongoDB database?
  • Correct Answer: A. mongodump

Q. 90   Which of the following methods can be used to read a directory in Node.js?
  • Correct Answer: C. fs.readdir

Q. 91   How do you restore a MongoDB database from a backup?
  • Correct Answer: A. mongorestore

Q. 92   How do you set an environment variable in Node.js?
  • Correct Answer: B. process.env.VAR_NAME = ’value’

Q. 93   Which of the following is used to monitor MongoDB performance?
  • Correct Answer: D. All of the above

Q. 94   Which of the following methods is used to send a response to the client in a Node.js HTTP server?
  • Correct Answer: D. Both a and c

Q. 95   What is sharding in MongoDB?
  • Correct Answer: A. A method to distribute data across multiple machines.

Q. 96   Which of the following is true about streams in Node.js?
  • Correct Answer: D. Both a and c

Q. 97   How do you check the version of MongoDB?
  • Correct Answer: D. All of the above

Q. 98   Which module in Node.js can be used to create a WebSocket server?
  • Correct Answer: A. ws

Q. 99   What is the role of the buffer module in Node.js?
  • Correct Answer: A. To handle binary data.