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Q. 1   What does ORM stands for in laravel?
  • Correct Answer: D. object-relational Mapping

Q. 2   Which command is used to create migrations in Laravel?
  • Correct Answer: A. php artisan make:migration create_users_table

Q. 3   Composer is a tool for ______ in PHP.
  • Correct Answer: B. Dependency management

Q. 4   Which class is used in Laravel to handle exceptions?
  • Correct Answer:

Q. 5   For what do the .env is used?
  • Correct Answer: B. For setting environment variables

Q. 6   Where is the routing file located in Laravel ?
  • Correct Answer: B. routes/

Q. 7   How to check current laravel version install your system?
  • Correct Answer: C. php artisan --version

Q. 8   What is Laravel?
  • Correct Answer: B. PHP framework

Q. 9   Where do we need to set database connection in Laravel?
  • Correct Answer: D. .ENV file

Q. 10   Which of the following is true about Laravel?
  • Correct Answer: D. All of the above

Q. 11   Command line interface used in Laravel is called?
  • Correct Answer: B. Artisan

Q. 12   In the MVC framework, the letter ( C ) stands for?
  • Correct Answer: D. Controller

Q. 13   Cookie can be created by global cookie helper of Laravel.
  • Correct Answer: A. TRUE

Q. 14   In MVC framework, the letter "V" stands for Views.
  • Correct Answer: A. TRUE

Q. 15   Which version introduces the concept of using Blade?
  • Correct Answer: D. Laravel 5.1

Q. 16   Laravel uses the Blade @extends directive for defining the child elements
  • Correct Answer: A. TRUE

Q. 17   How to create a controller in laravel by cmd?
  • Correct Answer: B. php artisan make:controller contoller_name

Q. 18   Which keyword allows the developers to shorten the namespace?
  • Correct Answer: B. use

Q. 19   Which command is used to start laravel server?
  • Correct Answer: B. php artisan serve

Q. 20   Bootstrap directory in Laravel is used to__________
  • Correct Answer: A. Initialize a Laraval application

Q. 21   Which one Laravel command line interface?
  • Correct Answer: B. Php artisan

Q. 22   Why does Laravel use the Blade Template Engine?
  • Correct Answer: C. For the view in MVC

Q. 23   ________________ can be defined as a class of elements in which each element has a unique name to that associated class.
  • Correct Answer: C. Namespaces

Q. 24   Interpolation of variable in laravel done using
  • Correct Answer: A. {{}}

Q. 25   View files in Laravel end in________
  • Correct Answer: A. .blade.php

Q. 26   When was Laravel first released?
  • Correct Answer: A. June 2011

Q. 27   Where are all the Laravel Models stored at ?
  • Correct Answer: C. Main app directory

Q. 28   Who developed Laravel?
  • Correct Answer: C. Taylor Otwell

Q. 29   What is the purpose of Laravel Blade Template Engine?
  • Correct Answer: D. Makes writing syntax easy and readable

Q. 30   What is the purpose of learning Web Programming?
  • Correct Answer: D. To talk to computers

Q. 31   The vendor directory contains
  • Correct Answer: C. Third-party code

Q. 32   Which one of the following command is used to create middleware in Laravel?
  • Correct Answer: A. php artisan make: middleware

Q. 33   What is Node JS?
  • Correct Answer: C. JavaScript runtime environment that executes JavaScript code

Q. 34   Laravel is a ____ framework?
  • Correct Answer: A. PHP

Q. 35   Does Laravel follow the MVC concept?
  • Correct Answer: A. TRUE

Q. 36   Does Laravel follow the object-oriented approach?
  • Correct Answer: A. TRUE

Q. 37   Does PHP follow the object-oriented approach?
  • Correct Answer: A. TRUE

Q. 38   Laravel is ____ framework?
  • Correct Answer: B. Backend

Q. 39   Is Laravel an open-source?
  • Correct Answer: A. TRUE

Q. 40   All dependencies are specified in the ____ file, which is located in the source folder?
  • Correct Answer: C. composer.json

Q. 41   How many built-in libraries does Laravel provides?
  • Correct Answer: C. 20 libraries

Q. 42   The database definitions and structure are kept in PHP code using ____.
  • Correct Answer: C. Schema Builder

Q. 43   ____ installed on your system before you install Laravel.
  • Correct Answer: B. Composer

Q. 44   Which folder in Laravel includes the entire source code of the project?
  • Correct Answer: C. App

Q. 45   ____ contains the artisan commands required by Laravel.
  • Correct Answer: D. Console

Q. 46   What is the extension of the folder which includes all the events for the project?
  • Correct Answer: A. .php

Q. 47   What is the name of the file which handles all the exceptions?
  • Correct Answer: B. Handle.php

Q. 48   Which folder in Laravel contains model, controllers and views defined for the specific directories?
  • Correct Answer:

Q. 49   Which of the following folder is the root folder and helps in initializing the Laravel application?
  • Correct Answer: B. Public

Q. 50   The ____ folder includes all the composer dependencies?
  • Correct Answer: C. Vendor

Q. 51   ____are those that offer your web application with a list of web services.
  • Correct Answer: B. Environment variables

Q. 52   In which of the following file, environment variables are declared?
  • Correct Answer: C. .env

Q. 53   All requests in Laravel are mapped using ____.
  • Correct Answer: C. Routes

Q. 54   ____serves as a link between a request and its response.
  • Correct Answer: C. Middleware

Q. 55   How many types of middleware are there in Laravel?
  • Correct Answer: D. 2 types of middleware

Q. 56   Which of the following functions as a bridge between Views and Models?
  • Correct Answer: D. Controller

Q. 57   The ____function may be used to connect the response to headers?
  • Correct Answer: A. Header()

Q. 58   Which of the following separates the application logic and the presentation logic?
  • Correct Answer: C. View

Q. 59   How many databases does Laravel supports?
  • Correct Answer: D. 4 databases does

Q. 60   ____ are used to store information about the user across the requests.
  • Correct Answer: D. Sessions

Q. 61   How many arguments does the Get() method takes in session?
  • Correct Answer: C. 1 arguments

Q. 62   Laravel uses free feature-rich library ____ to send emails?
  • Correct Answer: A. SwiftMailer

Q. 63   What do you mean by CSRF in Laravel?
  • Correct Answer: A. Cross site forgery attacks

Q. 64   Does Laravel generate CSRF token automatically?
  • Correct Answer: A. TRUE

Q. 65   The process of recognising the user credentials is known as ____?
  • Correct Answer: C. Authentication

Q. 66   Which of the following commands is needed to construct forms and the controllers connected with them in order to accomplish authentication?
  • Correct Answer: B. php artisan make:auth

Q. 67   ____is the controller used for authentication.?
  • Correct Answer: A. HomeController

Q. 68   In ____, the system or web application determines whether authenticated users may access the resources they are attempting to access or request?
  • Correct Answer: A. Authorization

Q. 69   Is authorization and authentication the same thing?
  • Correct Answer: B. FALSE

Q. 70   Policies classes arrange authorization logic around a certain model or resource?
  • Correct Answer: B. Policies

Q. 71   Which of the following command is used to create a policy?
  • Correct Answer: C. Make:policy

Q. 72   ____ is the act of turning plain text to a message using techniques that prevents any third party from reading the information?
  • Correct Answer: B. Encryption

Q. 73   Which AES algorithm is used by Laravel?
  • Correct Answer: C. Both

Q. 74   Is Error 403 and Error 404 the same kind of errors?
  • Correct Answer: B. FALSE

Q. 75   Which of the following are the alternatives of Laravel?
  • Correct Answer: D. All of the above

Q. 76   Which of the following is the oldest broadcasting organization who uses Laravel?
  • Correct Answer: C. BBC

Q. 77   Command to install laravel project?
  • Correct Answer: D. composer global require laravel/installer

Q. 78   By default laravel project runs on which PORT?
  • Correct Answer: D. PORT 8000

Q. 79   CLI Command to migrate in Laravel project?
  • Correct Answer: C. php artisan serve

Q. 80   Command to check the status of migration in laravel application?
  • Correct Answer: C. php artisan migrate:status

Q. 81   Laravel is based on which design pattern?
  • Correct Answer: B. MVC(ModeI View Controller) Pattern

Q. 82   which command is used to clear the cache in laravel?
  • Correct Answer: A. php artisan cache:clear

Q. 83   In which folder .htaccess file is located in laravel?
  • Correct Answer: D. public

Q. 84   In which directory robots.txt file is located?
  • Correct Answer: B. public

Q. 85   Method to logout authenticated user in laravel?
  • Correct Answer: B. Auth::logout();

Q. 86   .env file exist in directory:
  • Correct Answer: B. Root

Q. 87   All images and other resources are placed in:
  • Correct Answer: A. Public Folder

Q. 88   What is path of controller files ?
  • Correct Answer: C. app/http/controllers

Q. 89   Which of the following directory is used to save laravel model files ?
  • Correct Answer: A. app

Q. 90   Which files are part of auth directory in Laravel?
  • Correct Answer: D. All of the above

Q. 91   Which command is used to make model??
  • Correct Answer: A. php artisan make:model model_name

Q. 92   Which of the following methods on Collection will get all the records from it?
  • Correct Answer: A. all()

Q. 93   Does Laravel support Bootstrap?
  • Correct Answer: A. TRUE

Q. 94   What is Full form MVC architecture?
  • Correct Answer: A. Model, View and Controller.

Q. 95   Command to get the route list in Laravel?
  • Correct Answer: B. php artisan route:list

Q. 96   Full form of ORM in laravel?
  • Correct Answer: A. Object Relation Mapping

Q. 97   How many types of Middleware in Laravel?
  • Correct Answer: A. 2 types

Q. 98   What is it Blade?
  • Correct Answer: A. Template Engine

Q. 99   What is laravel 10 version Release date?
  • Correct Answer: C. February 2023